• Protect the surfer and nearby surfers from danger.
  • Keep surfboards from drifting away.



A small piece of nylon string that is tied to the surfboard leash plug in the tail of the surfboard. 


The part of the leash that attaches around the leg. It’s made of soft material and velcro is used to wrap it around your leg.

    3. SWIVEL

    Usually the connection between the cuff and the cord and the rail saver and the cord are on a swivel joint. It prevents the leash from getting tangled around your feet. We recommend to get a leash with two swivels.

      4. CORD

      The cord is the majority of the leash. Cords have a length and thickness measurement. Thicker cords are stronger but also create more drag in the water.

        5. RAIL SAVER

        Protects the surfboard’s tail from the rubbing of the nylon cord. Without it the tail of the board would eventually crack or break.


        SURFBOARD Leashes

          FOUR main factors for choosing a new surf leash:

          1. LEASH LENGTH

          • Depends on the length of the board and the ability level to choose the length.
          • Leash that is too long can add extra drag and hold you back from catching good waves.
          • Leash that is too short can potentially cause serious injury.
          • The best of surf leash is equal or slightly longer than the length of your board. 

          2. LEASH THICKNESS

          • Two common leash are competition leashes and regular leashes.
          • The size of the board can influence the thickness.
          • Depends on the length of your board, wave height, and your surfing experience and ability level to select the leash.

          Competition Leash

          • Usually around 3/16ths of an inch thick.
          • Leash leash will cause less drag.
          • Great for small boards.

            Regular Leash

            • Closer to 5/16ths of an inch thick.
            • Leash will be durable enough to withstand the powerful waves.
            • Better suit for bigger boards.

            3. SKILL LEVEL

            • Skill level greatly affects what type of leash to buy.

            Beginner Surfers

            • Use longer surf leash to accommodate potential falls. 
            • Use a thicker leash.

            Experienced Surfers

            • Good to use a thin, shorter leash.

            4. LEASH FEATURES

            • Double swivels are better than a singular swivel.
            • Swivels are the 'joints' of a surf leash.
            • A swivel between the rail saver and cord, and between the cord and ankle strap are ideal.
            • Allow the leash to move in every direction so that entanglement is reduced.
            • A comfortable, well-stitched ankle strap is important.

            Check out recommended leashes for the following board types and conditions


            • For beginning shortboarders surfing a 5-6’+ board
            • A good rule of thumb is to use a 6″ leash (1/4′ thickness).
            • Experienced shortboarders can use a 5′ Comp leash (3/16″ thickness).


            • Any type of surfboard in the 7-9′ range
            • Warrants a longer leash to keep the board a little farther away during a wipeout.
            • Grab a 7-8′ leash (1/4″ thickness) for this sized board.


            • Longboards range anywhere from 9-12′,
            • A longer leash is a must if planning to walk the nose of the board.
            • A 9-10′ leash should do the trick.
            • Get a Calf leash if walking the nose
            • Get an ankle leash if the plan is to be fairly stationary after standing up.


            • Surfing bigger waves means switching to a thicker leash.
            • Thicker leashes are made in all lengths to accommodate more forceful swells.
            • Get a leash that has at least a 3/8″ thick chord.


            • Most island waves are reef breaks.
            • A surfer needs is to have a leash snagged in the reef during a session.
            • Floating leashes come in all lengths, and have hollow cores to keep the reef from grabbing at the leash while you’re bobbing around.


              Few step to attach the surf leash to surfboard.
                1. Leash plug will attaching the leash to the surfboard.
                2. The leash string located at the end of the rail saver.
                3. Attaching the surf leash.
                • Most leash strings are already tied into a loop with a knot at the end. If not, hold the ends of the string together and tie it into a knot at the very end to form a loop.
                • Starting from one side of the leash plug, thread the loop under the bar and through the other side. Grab the looped end of your string and pull the knotted end through the loop. Pull tight to form a simple knot. Your looped leash string is now secured to your leash plug.
                • Pull your leash string towards the closest edge of your board. Does excess string hang over the edge? If so, undo your leash string from the leash plug and retie a shorter knot and therefore, a shorter loop. The goal is to not have excess string over the edge of your board or else when you wipeout, the stress applied to your surf leash could harshly tug the excess leash string against the edge of your board, causing cracking and further damage over time.
                • Once your leash string is tied to the leash plug and is the right length, undo the Velcro™ on your rail saver and guide one end of the rail saver through the loop of the leash string and secure the Velcro™ over it.
                • Your leash string loop is now attached to your rail saver and you can start using your surf leash!